Looking after your investment, maximising your income and investing in property
Your Investment
Whether your property was your home or bought specifically for investment it's an investment and needs to be viewed and treated as such. Poorly presented and badly maintained properties will struggle to let or command a good market price. We'll give you all the advice you need at the start to ensure your property lets well and any changes you make will be beneficial for your long term investment too. If we're managing your property we'll carry out regular inspections and particularly at the end of each tenancy we'll suggest where improvements can be made to ensure the property doesn't fall into disrepair.
What's more we can also undertake larger scale refurbishment projects to enhance your property and increase your rental yield and the value of your investment.
Investing in Property
If you're interested in putting your money into property but don't know where to start or aren't familiar with the Edinburgh market talk to us about your requirements. We can give a professional perspective on properties you may be considering offering for, give general advice about the sales market in Edinburgh or, if you don't have the time to spend searching, we can source suitable buy-to-let property for you and arrange for offers to be submitted. We can put you in touch with an independent mortgage adviser who can search the whole market for the most suitable mortgage product for you and/or a solicitor who can carry out the conveyancing on your property purchase. Whatever you need don't hesitate to get in touch with us.