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Some background information and links on the letting industry as a whole

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Private Residential Tenancy


One of the biggest changes to letting in Scotland in recent years was the introduction of the Private Residential Tenancy (PRT).  It’s important to understand that these tenancies are open ended and that tenants can give 28 days’ notice to vacate at any time.  As a landlord you can give 28 days’ notice within the first 6 months of the tenancy and 84 days’ notice thereafter; you can only give notice using 1 or more of 18 legally prescribed grounds.





Letting Agent Code of Practice


The Code of Practice sets out the standards expected of all letting agents operating in Scotland in how they manage their business and provide their services. We're committed to upholding the terms of the code and providing you the best possible service. 





Gardens, Stairwells and Communal Areas


If your property has a private garden then as a tenant you are expected to maintain to the same standard as when you moved in.  If your property shares a garden with other households then you may be expected to contribute to the upkeep either by paying a share for a regular gardener or 'doing your bit'.  The same applies to common stairwells and either a rota system or regular payment may require your contribution.



Tenancy Deposits


Every tenant must pay a deposit prior to the commencement of their tenancy.  This is held in a 3rd party protection scheme (Safe Deposits Scotland) and is solely meant for the purpose of off-setting the cost of damage and/or cleaning at the end of a tenancy.  It CANNOT be used to cover a shortfall in rent either during or at the end of the tenancy


The importance of a signed inventory for landlords and tenants cannot be understated.  It's a written record of the property condition and will be used to determine what's damaged, what's missing, what's fair wear and tear and how clean a property has been handed back.  If landlords don't have one then they won't be able to claim for these deductions; if tenants don't return theirs signed they'll be accepting the inventory without being able to add their own comments.


Looking after your investment, maximising your income and investing in property

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